You, Me, and The Universe... A Spirituality Mastermind dedicated to the journey of Self - Discovery, Empowerment and Alignment Sauce :)
Opening Ceremony
Who do you think you are? Laying the ground work \ Ego and Higher Self - Dani
Art Therapy with Leigh (the true self, the higher self and the false self)
Vedic Astrology - Get to know your birth chart with Janell
Get To Know Your Chakras - Dani
Human Design - Discovering your design with Shannon
Who are you? Mystery and Multidimensionality with Claire
Masculine and Feminine Energy with Dani
Akashic Records and Energy Signature with Jetaime
The I AM Presence and Beyond the Beyond with Shelby
The Hero \ Heroine Journey with Melanie Joy
Closing Ceremony
EXPERIENCE: Breath Work with Malarie
Experience: Guided Cannabis Breathwork Journey
Qi Gong - Solar Plexus Bowl (practice) with Bronwen
Just a few words from the conscious champion tribe
This First Trimester will be 3 months (12 weeks) long and we will meet at least once a week with either myself or a spirit mentor leading the calls. If we meet more than once a week it is because we have one of our monthly events such as breath work, art therapy, moon rituals, and more!
Although I encourage commitment for the entirety of the journey, I don't expect everyone to be at every single call. If you happen to miss a call or experience night, everything will be uploaded and in the portal waiting for you to catch up when you can!
The tribe calls will primarily be on Sundays at 11:11 am eastern. (9:11mst). Depending on the guest mentors and experience events there will also be calls during the week on Thursday nights around 7:00 pm est. I will send out a schedule monthly so you know in advance whats coming up and can plan accordingly!
Yes, you are more than welcome to sign up and join us for the rest of the journey if you are finding this a little later than you wanted to. You will still be able to take advantage of all the previous classes with the recordings and not skip a beat!
Click the section right above this one and it will take you to a landing page with loads of information about the mastermind! You will find the mentors and what everyone will be covering, as well as some nitty-gritty details about my mission and intention for creating this journey!
I am so glad you asked! You will receive free access to my online yoga and meditation classes... the ENERGY BANK which includes all upcoming live and pre-recorded classes. As well as a Spirit Work Book that will go along with the course content, it will be in PDF Version for now, but after the course and content have been covered, there will be an option to order a printed version!! And last, but not least... a SPIRIT SAC! - this will have little goodies in it to assist us with our journey as we move through the course together. Another bonus is that you will receive first dibs on the Conscious Champion Tribe Hoodie and Jogger set! - made by the one and only Fit Hustle!
First, you will need an open, curious, and committed mind. A deck of oracle cards, if you don't already have them, and Spotify if you want to get my playlists and music... The rest will be provided to you on our tribe calls and in your spirit sac <3